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Our journey so far ...

A phrase we use a lot at Coppice is "the curriculum is a journey, not a destination." Like all schools and trusts, we have had a renewed focus on curriculum and pedagogy to ensure that we are providing our children with the very best opportunities, experiences, skills and understanding. 

Working alongside our curriculum and senior leaders, we have reviewed many curriculum areas to make sure that we offer the children a joined-up experience in their learning so that they have the opportunity to develop their learning over time. 

Creating a curriculum is no easy process! We have prioritised subjects to develop whilst ensuring that we offer the full National Curriculum to our children. Over time, these developed subjects have become embedded, and this has led to schools adapting the curriculum more and more to suit the needs of their children and the communities they serve. 

Alongside the development of the curriculum, we have supported with evidence informed pedagogical approaches to make sure that the enacted curriculum comes "off the page" effectively. Not only has this been a good opportunity to have our whole team together, but also a great way to share best practice. 

These sessions have led our Executive Leadership team to work together creating sets of aligned principles for curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and behaviour. The principles help us to work together whilst giving schools the agency to work within them. 

Make sure you have a look at our principles to see how we work!

Get in touch

Coppice Primary Partnership
Loose Primary School, Loose Road,
Maidstone. ME15 9UW

01622 743549