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Behaviour Principles

There are many competing views over what the purpose of school is. However, what we do know is that better behaviour improves every aim of school we can think of! Whether it is creativity, citizenship, passing exams or anything in between, they will all be improved by better behaviour.

Schools exist to educate children to and keep them safe. Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility, and because poor behaviour can make others feel unsafe, improving behaviour should be the common goal for everyone.

Finally, in line with our Pedagogy Principles, better behaviour is essential or good learning. 

Our Behaviour Principles

You can see our 8 behaviour principles below. To read more detail about each one, please have a look at the document below.

Get in touch

Coppice Primary Partnership
Loose Primary School, Loose Road,
Maidstone. ME15 9UW

01622 743549